Chad Lindberg talks "Ghost Stalkers" on WoTR

"We're going to spend 48 hours isolated in some of the rawest, grittiest haunted locations in the world."

The new paranormal TV show, Ghost Stalkers, has just seen the end of its very first season, and has managed to impress the public. With its innovate new take on the "standard" ghost-hunting routine, this show sees the stars of the program (Chad Lindberg and John E.L. Tenney) each spend a night alone in an haunted location every episode, moving through the building and collecting data. With a premise like that, the show promises more evidence and more scares than your usual ghost adventure.

On this episode of West of The Rockies, we interview Chad Lindberg, grilling him on all aspects of his experience and giving him a chance to clarify any issues or queries that people may have regarding the show. Chad is one of the nicest and sincerest guys you could hope to meet in showbiz, providing us with a genuinely fascinating and honest interview.

Ernie Alonzo (Haunted OC) also joins us on this interview, sharing some of this ghost-hunting experiences, as well as promoting his upcoming event in partnership with Chad.

Check out Chad's past interview on WoTR with Jason Gates (of SyFy's Haunted Collector) and Ernie Alonzo here

If you're a fan of the show and would love to see another season made, then be sure to hit up Destination America, by either writing to them or bugging them on their twitter account: @destamerica

The Ghost Stalkers Twitter account: @ghoststalkers1

Say hi to Chad: @chadlindberg

And now for the interview!

Don't forget to follow "West of The Rockies" on Twitter and "Like" us on Facebook.

Posted on February 1, 2015 and filed under SUM1.

West of The Rockies @ Comikaze Expo 2014

This picture is a perfect snapshot into the world of ComiKaze - courtesy of Jorge Diaz.

This picture is a perfect snapshot into the world of ComiKaze - courtesy of Jorge Diaz.

Comic conventions really are a different world. Actually, conventions in general are, but this type in particular. (→)

We hit the road on good old All Hallows' Eve (OK, so it's a ten minute drive, but we still hit the road), and braced ourselves for the three days of pop-culture and geek mayhem that is Comikaze. Here's our story.



Frank fangurling on Brian Pulido.

Frank fangurling on Brian Pulido.

So, Frank has this love for Lady Death. I'm not sure if it's solely platonic, but let's just say it's his favourite comic ever.  We walk into the exhibition hall, and BAM, guess who we first encounter? Brian Pulido at his Lady Death booth. So here is Frank's first chance to nerd-off, and nerd-off he does. In fact, it looks as though it's becoming increasingly difficult for him to hold back his inner fangurl. Honestly though, Brian is a cool guy. Like, totally cool. We chat a bit, buy half of his memorabilia inventory, and try to leave as suavely as possible.

Horror Panel on Friday. From left to right: Ace Marrero, Gabriella Waljs, Jorge Diaz, Christiane Elin, Josh Henaman.

Horror Panel on Friday. From left to right: Ace Marrero, Gabriella Waljs, Jorge Diaz, Christiane Elin, Josh Henaman.

Friday seems to be pretty chill, and we try to appreciate it before the throngs of Saturday march in. We wander around a little, before heading to a panel titled, "DEMONS AND MONSTERS: A SUPERNATURAL HORROR MASH-UP," hosted by our friend, Christiane Elin (Haunted OC). This panel saw Ace Marrero, Jorge Diaz, Gabrielle Walsh & Joshua Henaman talk all things weird and supernatural. Regular WoTR listeners will probably know Jorge and Josh by now. It was certainly nice seeing these guys again, and we even snuck in a couple of Bigfoot comics for Josh to sign.

There was the usual talk, ranging from horror movies to UFOs, but the "Anecdote of the Evening" prize surely goes to Jorge, with his story about a real-life vampire family. No, really. Apparently this family used to frequent the supermarket that Jorge's brother used to work at and, well, let's just say they were really into this vampire thing. They came out only at night, drank each other's blood, and lead incestuous relationships with each other. Yeah.

Camilla D'Errico with the print she signed for WoTR.

Camilla D'Errico with the print she signed for WoTR.

So Friday was chill, Saturday was when mania set in. Highlights include Camilla D'Errico's art, coincidentally stumbling upon the creator of the Hello Kitty zombie t-shirt I'd bought a while ago, seeing DMC doing his new comic thing, and having a cold beer. We also attended another one of Christiane's panels, titled, "PARANORMAL ADVENTURES IN TELEVISION," this time alongside Ben Hansen, Susan Slaughter, and Dana Workman. All three of them have a background in paranormal television, so there was certainly no lack of ghost and UFO stories; of course, most of you already know Ben from past WoTR shows, and I think we can safely say that there's never a boring moment when he's talking (check out a past show here).

Sunday: day of mourning. Alright, not quite so bad, but it's always sad to see a fun event like this wind down. We still had a few tasks to accomplish though, including getting a signed print by J. Scott Campbell (longest queue ever), and attending the Lady Death/Brian Pulido panel ("LADY DEATH 20TH ANNIVERSARY: HOW YOU CAN CREATE & PUBLISH ICONIC CHARACTERS"). We also took this time to talk to a few of the smaller businesses, including the creator of a new interactive type of movie called, "Movie Maze," (download their first movie, The Mechanic, for FREE; at very least check out the ridiculous trailer here), and steampunk comic creator, Alejandro Lee, who impressively writes, draws and colours his own comics (check out his Sally Sprocket & Piston Pete comic). We also stumbled across a geek dating website, (yep, this is actually a real thing), which we immediately signed up to. OK, we didn't, but in all honesty, I think this is a pretty fun idea. Perhaps some of you may even want to check it out and get back to us about it, yeah?

Anyway, Comikaze - it's been real.

Posted on November 27, 2014 and filed under SUM1.

Interview with Occultist Jymie Darling

On this episode of West of The Rockies, an interview that has been months in the making: Jymie Darling, who was featured in the documentary, "I Sold My Soul To Satan," joins us tonight and brings with her a wealth of information and knowledge pertaining to all things occult.  Jymie was tasked with guiding Kai Blackwood through the intricate, and at times morbid, steps to conjure up a demon and make a pact with the devil: Fame, wealth and worldly riches in exchange for his eternal soul.  If you missed our interview with Kai, click here; also, be sure to watch the original documentary (below).  Do yourself a favor and listen to this WoTR instant classic!

For more info on Jymie Darling, be sure to visit Babylon Gardens Apothecary.  You can also follow her on Twitter and find her on Facebook.

Posted on September 18, 2014 and filed under SUM1.

WoTR Hits The Road To "Contact In The Desert"

On this episode we talk about the Contact In The Desert Conference, which included a workshop led by Travis Walton and a presentation by Erich von Daniken. You may also want to check out our previous interviews with Travis Walton, Dr. David Jacobs and Laura Eisenhower.  We also welcome back Leslie and Jennifer into the studio, long time listeners and supporters of WoTR. They share their accounts of paranormal activity in Jennifer's home, which seems to be highly active and sees many occurrences of other-worldy activity. UFOs, aliens and the paranormal galore, all the ingredients you'd expect from West of The Rockies.

Posted on September 18, 2014 and filed under SUM1.

Competition for WoTR Merchandise! Woop woop!

Right, so yesterday we launched a little competition for some WoTR merchandise. It's pretty simple. Go to our Facebook page, and the first THREE people to get us TEN likes get a couple of keyrrings/charms sent to them. So just to recap, get 10 friends to like us. Three prizes to give away ^^

Get on it!

For reference, see below for a photo, courtesy of @bluestarlight72:

Posted on September 8, 2014 and filed under SUM1.

Aliens and Mars Special, with Dr. David Jacobs & Laura Eisenhower

We're on a roll, providing you with more interviews than your body has room for! The first hour of this show sees us talking to Dr. David Jacobs, world-renowned expert on UFOs and abductions. For a brief overview of his work, check out this previous post, which also provides a summary on Laura Eisenhower. Honestly, we doubt there are many people who could give a more knowledgeable insight into UFOs than Dr. Jacobs. So listen up, UFO-buffs, this one's definitely something for you.

If that were not enough though, we also had the pleasure of interviewing Laura Eisenhower, an intuitive Astrologist, Global Alchemist, and Cosmic Mythologist, as well as the great-granddaughter of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. On this show, we focus predominantly on her whistleblowing concerning a government mission to colonize Mars, a jaw-dropping revelation. She also touches on some of the other things that she works on and speaks about at conventions, centered around her spiritual beliefs concerning Magdalene and Gaia-Sophia energies.

For more info on Dr. Jacobs, visit I.C.R.A. (International Center For Abduction Research). As for Laura, visit her Cosmic Gaia or Dream Team pages.

Again, a special mention to Susan von Seggern, of Contact In The Desert, who made these two interviews possible. Thank you!

Posted on September 3, 2014 and filed under SUM1.

Travis Walton Interview, up now! (pun intended)

We had the amazing opportunity and honor of speaking to UFO legend, Travis Walton, who talks to us about his 1975 alien-abduction, quite possibly the most compelling and well-documented abduction-tale to date. Travis is the author of the book, The Walton Experience, which provides a detailed account of his abduction and its aftermath. This was later turned into a movie, namely Fire In The SkyFor a quick summary, check out our previous post on Travis, right here.

Needless to say, this interview was nothing short of mind-blowing. Aware of the fact that Travis has given countless interviews and talks in the past, we did our best to keep things interesting, hopefully providing our listeners with a new insight into Travis' experience. To really get the most out of our interview, we recommend watching the movie first, since it provides a brief-but-useful overview for those that are not quite familiar with the story.

Be sure to keep an eye out for an updated version of The Walton Experience in the future!

Special thanks go out to Susan von Seggern, of Contact In The Desert, who made this interview possible for us.

Posted on September 2, 2014 and filed under SUM1.

Now Online: A.P.R.A. Show Special, with Brandon Alvis, Dr. Harry Kloor and Matt Goldman

Hugely fascinating, this one was definitely not to be missed. If you somehow did miss it though, or simply want to listen to it again, then here's your chance.

This show had us interviewing some of the guys from the American Paranormal Research Association (A.P.R.A.), namely Brandon Alvis (the founder of the organisation, whom we've had on WoTR before), lead-investigator Matt Goldman, and fellow investigator & science/tech-specialist, Harry Kloor.

We discussed all things paranormal, plus had a good listen to some of the most compelling (and scariest) EVPs quite possibly ever recorded.

Last, though by far not least, be sure to check these guys out on an upcoming show of The Unexplained Files on The Science Channel, airing September 9th at 7pm (Pacific Time). We're excited, and you should be too.

Posted on September 2, 2014 and filed under SUM1.

Up for your listening pleasure: Interview with Josh Henaman

This show sees us talk to Josh Henaman, creator of the comic, "Bigfoot: Sword Of The Earthman." So if you're a comic geek or Bigfoot fan, then check this one out for sure. Fun and light-hearted, with a good dose of Mars related talk thrown in.

We also had Christiane Elin (from our beloved Haunted OC) drop by, chatting to us and providing some updates about the events they run. Furthermore, thanks to her for making the interview with Josh even possible.

Be sure to check out the last instalment of Josh's Bigfoot mini-series, which has just hit comic-store shelves. If you can't find it at your local store, then grab it online at: (FREE first book when you buy the bundle - listen in carefully to the end of the show for details).

Posted on September 2, 2014 and filed under SUM1.

West of The Rockies with Special Guest: R.H. Stavis

On this hugely fascinating episode of WoTR, we gladly welcome back R.H. Stavis - TV, Game & Comic writer, and to top it off, exorcist. Stavis gives us a mind-blowing insight into her work involving entity-removals, which encompasses removals from people, as well as places and objects. We also hear a first-hand account from Dan (her husband), who has experienced his fair share of strange happenings since being with Stavis, including an unprecedented entity-removal of his own. Furthermore, she talks about her upcoming two-day charity event in aid of people who may not otherwise be able to acquire her services - to book your session:

Follow R.H. Stavis on twitter: 

Checkout our first interview with R.H. Stavis: West of The Rockies with Special Guest: R.H. Stavis

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Posted on June 4, 2014 and filed under SUM1.