On Monday June, we returned from an amazing conference in Indian Wells, namely, Contact In The Desert. A weekend of mysteries, new scientific discoveries, introspection, debate, and spiritualism, this is one of the largest (if not the largest) UFO conferences in the world. However, referring to it as merely an “UFO conference” would in no way do it justice, since it is so much more than that. It encompasses all things New Age, mind exploratory, and fringe: topics such as ancient civilisations and archeology; conspiracies; government whistleblowers; meditation and health; and recent history are also covered. Essentially, most areas that the mainstream media and the government are reluctant to talk about. Not all of the subject matter is everyone’s cup of tea, but there is plenty to explore for all attendees. It’s a weekend of opening your mind and expanding your consciousness, and being receptive to all types of theories.
Posts tagged #Georgio Tsoukalos