Last Sunday, we had the pleasure of interviewing Walter Bosley, popular conspiracy author, meticulous researcher, and ex-Special Agent of various government-related organisations. Specifically, he spent nineteen years in national security, having been employed by the FBI; by the US Air Force, working as an inactive reserve officer (where he also served as a Special Agent of the AFOSI on active duty); and also working as a counterterrorism operational consultant for six years following military service.
He is an avid investigator of historical occult mysteries, publishing not only non-fiction works, but also authoring multiple pulp fiction novels (the latest being his Rakshasa Runout, released just this last July). He‘s also been known to weave his research knowledge and past experiences into screenplays, and has himself made a couple of screen appearances, namely in the 2013 documentary, Mirage Men, and on History Channel's Ancient Aliens.
The only known photograph of Charles A.A. Dellschau, circa 1885 - 1890.
During this interview, we predominantly focus on his book, ORIGIN: The Nineteenth Century Emergence of the 20th Century Breakaway Civilizations, which makes an extremely thorough and strong argument for the origins of flight being rather different, and definitely older, than current history books would have it. The amount of thought and research that has gone into this book is palpable through every turn of the page. According to Bosley, the power of flight had likely already been harnessed by the first half of the 19th Century, with research and construction of airships going on in California (at the Sonora Aero Club), funded and overseen primarily by a secret German (technically Prussian) organisation by the name of NJMZa (transliterated as “NYMZA”). Some of the most startling and fascinating evidence in support of these ideas is to be found in the form of a collection of diagrams/drawing by Charles A.A. Dellschau, some of which can be seen in Bosley’s book, but can also easily be viewed online, as well as occasionally found at art exhibitions (e.g. The Stephen Romano Gallery, NY, back in 2016, and at Art Basel Miami, represented by the Andrew Edlin Gallery, also 2016). The diagrams, though often viewed as artistic in nature, are now believed by many to be quite accurate depictions of what the airships in the 19th Century looked like, whilst also providing clues as to how they likely functioned.
So, who really were NJMZa/NYMZA, what does it stand for, and where did their motivations lie? How did these airships even function? Can we really trust the authenticity of the Dellschau diagrams? What is the connection between NJMZa/NYMZA, and the later Nazi Germany? As for breakaway civilisations, what are they, and where do they come into play? Also, perhaps more importantly, where did the knowledge to create airships come from? Are aliens tied into this story in anyway?
One of many watercolor paintings by Dellshau depicting a mysterious airship ("Aero"), circa 1919.
And then, of course, you can rarely have a conversation about aliens or “other” civilisations without at least broaching the topic of god(s). Indeed, the idea of God (or gods) play no small part in this story, and we spend some time exploring the possibility that maybe what ancient civilisations thought of as gods were actually advanced types of humans, merely misinterpreted (or parading) as gods.
The rabbit hole on this topic is indeed deep, and though it took us pretty far, we were still left with more questions – always a sign of a great interview.
We hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we enjoyed conducting it!
Peruse Walter Bosley's full catalogue of books right here.
We also had a chance to interview Walter at Contact In The Desert 2017 where we took the opportunity to ask him about his background, his research into UFOs, and the Secret Space Program.