The Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Photo Courtesy of Maximilien Brice, CERN.
““He [Stephen Hawking] knows the information that Tesla knew: they both know that there are entities that are providing information to people in this realm and that’s where this advance technology is coming from, it is coming from the other side.””
Statue of Shiva at CERN. Photo Courtesy of Wikipedia.
Mention the Large Hadron Collider/LHC to anyone, and they’ll probably think science, particles, the Big Bang etc. As of more recently, many people may associate the LHC with black holes. However, far less likely is perhaps the thought of demonic entities, occult ancient writings, and the idea that the LHC is actually a replication of the northern pole of Saturn. Yes, you heard that right – the LHC and what goes on at CERN might well be an occult operation. It sounds pretty far out there, but give it a chance. We had the amazing opportunity of interviewing Anthony Patch this past Sunday about CERN and its connection to Saturn, and I assure you that it’s a fascinating listen.
““You cannot separate the physical world that we experience from the spiritual world.””
An image captured in July 2013 by NASA's Cassini spacecraft, clearly showing Saturn’s amazing hexagonal cloud formation, said to be caused by on over 30-year-old jet-stream. Photo Courtesy of: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute.
Anthony Patch is a researcher of CERN and the Large Hadron Collider, as well as an author: he has published two fictional novels to date (“Covert Catastrophe” and “Diamonds in The Rough”), and aims to teach about his research by tactfully incorporating those ideas into his books. His research spans much further than just physics and religion, though – Patch also explores ancient history, archeology, biology, medicine, meteorology and philosophy.
Some of the other ideas that we explore in further detail during the interview include the gravimetric theory vs. the electric theory the Universe; the idea that Saturn is actually a brown dwarf star; and the significance of mathematics and numerology, including the emphasis on hexagonal structures (with an interesting mention of the hexagonal cloud formation above Saturn’s northern pole).
View of the LHC Tunnel Sector 4. Photo Courtesy of CERN.
Mr. Patch also goes on to share some exclusive research he has uncovered recently and has not presented anywhere else. Not wanting to give too much away, here’s the interview for you to enjoy!
Stay up-to-date with Anthony by keeping an eye out on his website: