Follow The Yellow Brick Road: The Tragedy of Another Disposable Mind-Control Victim // Interview #2 with John S Captain on the Murder of Tiffany Jenks

Written by Geneviève Federhen

For our first interview with John S. Captain, click here.

Artistic rendition of a photo of Tiffany Jenks. (Rights belong to John Captain)

Artistic rendition of a photo of Tiffany Jenks. (Rights belong to John Captain)

It has been over four years since the death of Tiffany Jenks (35) in Portland, Oregon, but the wounds of injustice still remain to be healed. John S Captain, Tiffany’s former boyfriend and, as she herself put it, “soulmate,” is back on West of The Rockies to answer some of our questions and give us the latest on this never-ending quest for truth and justice.

As usual, for those walking into this subject for the first time, or with a heavy skeptical skew, we ask that you momentarily give things the benefit of the doubt, and suspend your disbelief for the duration of the article and interview. From there, feel free to take away what you will. Many parts of this story may seem unbelievable, but the very least that most should be able to admit to themselves is that mind-control is very real (the CIA no longer hides this anymore, a simple online search will show this), and that the tragedy of Tiffany’s death is in no way the simple open-and-shut case that the police purports it to be.

Since our first interview with John Captain, he has been relentlessly traveling the world and spreading the news of this murder case in all ways possible. Using his own hard-earned savings and resources, he has dedicated the last few years of his life to doing what the police and mainstream media won’t do: uncover the truth and tell the world about the corruption that we all live under.

The story, as John tells it, is sadly stereotypical for a mind-control victim/Monarch slave. Programmed since birth (victims are often either pre-selected, or born into families of multi-generational Monarch slaves), she never really knew any other life. At what point she became aware of her programming is unclear – many victims never “wake up.” When they do become conscious of their programming, they typically begin to mentally unravel, quickly breaking down and spiralling towards their own demise. Sometimes, no help is required with their execution; their own anguished and trauma-filled past is enough to send them into a deep depression headed straight towards their own death. Other times, there are people sent out to help things along, avoiding any chance of the Monarch slave truly waking up and going rogue. It looks like Tiffany Jenks fell into this latter category. She had started hinting at her past and her hidden life to John Captain, both in person and in messages that she would send him. John knew that Tiffany had emotional issues, and though what she said would often be perplexing, he would put it down to her drinking and struggle with trauma and depression. Having never heard of the murky world of the Illuminati and mind-control (at least not beyond movies), it never once occurred to him what Tiffany was really trying to tell him. It couldn’t have been easy, for either of them: for Tiffany, a Monarch slave slowly becoming aware of herself, and for John Captain, a loving boyfriend who had no idea about his girlfriend’s deeply disturbing past.

Texts sent by Tiffany to John S. Captain, September 28th 2013, 10 days before Tiffany was killed.

Texts sent by Tiffany to John S. Captain, September 28th 2013, 10 days before Tiffany was killed.

Message to John, from someone who spent time with Tiffany's killer in prison.

Message to John, from someone who spent time with Tiffany's killer in prison.

As John continues to dig deeper into Tiffany’s case and all aspects surrounding her life and death, more pieces of evidence are coming to light. He has spoken to people that knew the killers (including someone who spent time in prison with one of them); he has been in touch with people that have known Tiffany since childhood, as well as others that knew her well during her adult life; and he continues to sift through police reports and all information that he can get his hands on. He is also campaigning to bring light to other mind-control cases (see his website

Given the many facets of this mysterious case, and knowing our audience, rest assured that we are not afraid to ask some of the more difficult questions. To what extent might John Captain himself be a victim of the Illuminati? This is certainly not a question that has escaped our minds, and also not a question that John has a problem answering. The possibilities are numerous, and John certainly believes that he is a victim to the extent that he was targeted as the scapegoat for Tiffany’s murder – he has received multiple accusations of having been involved in the murder, of having set Tiffany up to be killed that fateful night. However, John is fearless in standing by his story, and openly shares evidence of communication with Tiffany, her friends, and family members, in his battle to uphold his innocence.

Phone contact named "Josher," found by John on Tiffany's phone via her iCloud, confirmed to be accomplice/killer Joshua Robinett's phone number. Tiffany also recorded herself talking to him before she was killed, which can be found on YouTube.

Phone contact named "Josher," found by John on Tiffany's phone via her iCloud, confirmed to be accomplice/killer Joshua Robinett's phone number. Tiffany also recorded herself talking to him before she was killed, which can be found on YouTube.

Of course, other possibilities remain, and we know that a lot of you will be asking these questions in your head already:

-       Is John Captain a mind-control victim himself?

-       Were Tiffany and John somehow set up to meet, fall in love, and fall down together?

-       Are the Illuminati targeting John’s family (there is possible evidence that John’s sister might be a target)?

Tiffany Jenks and John S. Captain enjoying their time together as any couple in love would.

Tiffany Jenks and John S. Captain enjoying their time together as any couple in love would.

A lot of questions come to mind the more you delve into this topic, and we try to shed light on as much as possible. John, who is always happy to answer all questions and emphasises that he has nothing to hide, reiterates that he strongly believes that he is not a victim of mind-control: by his own admission, he has ADHD and dyslexia, and though certainly smart and driven, he believes it takes a particularly intelligent person, a stable and high-achiever type of personality, to be the perfect mind-control slave. A mind that is too muddled or unfocused is, quite simply, more difficult to program.

We thank John for being on our show; more importantly, though, we thank him for standing up for the truth, and for fighting to shed light not only on Tiffany’s case, but bringing to attention all the other heartbreaking cases of mind-control victims out there. Monarch mind-control programming is very real, and we hope that more people will start to accept this.

For the full details of our interview, be sure to listen to our podcast:

For the video of Tiffany and John talking that was mentioned during the interview, click here.

Follow all of John S. Captain's outlets to keep up with this case:

For more evidence and screen-shots (we only included a few in this article), check out this Facebook album.


NOTE: For those wondering about spelling, this article is written in British English.

Catch our LIVE interviews on Sunday nights, 7pm-11pm Pacific Time.